Well, I was disappointed in the 2d rails of the Payday 2 scar-h, so I used the model from Battlefield 4. I know, I know, there's already a model from BF4, but in order to maintain originality, I re-textured it to look like the one from Payday 2, added another texture that is 100% accurate to the Payday 2 one, and changed the iron sights to make them more resemble the Scar-h from Payday 2.
I'm proud with the drum mag because treyarch decided to remove a third of it, I assume for optimization (60 frames per second on the PS3 explained:P), so I had to redesign it from what was left (and uv map it) for the first time doing something like that.
Update 4.0:
Scope, flashlight and muzzle flash in the right positions
Update 3.0:
Remodeled the drum mag, now it's higher poly, see screenshot 2
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