F-22 Raptor / GTA5

F-22 Raptor / GTA5


F-22 Raptor / GTA5

The most recent fighter jet in the US Air Force's fleet is the F-22. This fighter plane truly belongs to the fifth generation because it has stealth and BVR capabilities.

Here we go because it was a popular request for GTA V. The F-22 is now a little more realistic thanks to CamxxCore's assistance, with openable weapon bays and even droppable bombs. It comes with six different 2048x2048 pixel skins and a realistic cockpit (the artificial horizon is functional).

Skins included:
Air Force (grey, ED tailcode "Raptor 01")
Air Force (grey, FF tailcode)
Air Force (splinter aggressor, AK tailcode)
Starscream (Transformers 2)
Mobius 1 (Ace Combat 4)
Thunderbirds (US display team)

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1.7: Add-On version

unique in-game name (Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor)

altered seat position and enter/exit motions due to available configurable weapon settings

landing gear and airspeed linked to flaps (instead of just gear)

new specification maps and higher resolution cockpit textures

Better optimization of LOD 1 (lower file size due to less polys)

The afterburner will rise and fall together with the nozzles thanks to newly added handling exhaust dummies.

1.6: added additional lights

every weapon door remain in the car without requiring godmode little material alterations

Full credits in the Read Me file.

As I've already stated, I'm really anxious to release more military and civilian planes, helicopters, and military vehicles. If you enjoy my work and would like to see more, kindly support me by making a donation. It enables me to continue affording the necessary items for modification (ZM3, model files, etc)


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