Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID

Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID

Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID

New post of Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID MOD,so today I uploaded Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID in this mod have new update Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID


1:new update Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSID 
2: Caterpillar 631D Mod BUSSIDupdate version
3:lush skin and livery
4: realistic control
4: electronic all feature is develop

How to install Vehicle Mods? 

 Copy/ cut and bury the downloaded train with". bussidmod" extension to 

 Internal storehouse BUSSID Mods 

 Now (BUSSID) and goto MOD. 

From MOD you can enable/ disabe your mods. 

 At the last goto Garage and elect your vehicle. 

 How to install Skin Mods/ Outfit? 

 Open (BUSSID) 

Goto Garage 

 Goto Livery and also Browse Outfit 

 Now elect the outfit which you have downloaded. 

 How to install OBB? 

 Copy/ cut and bury the downloaded train with". obb" extension to 

 Internal storehouse Android obbcom.maleo.bussimulatorid 


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